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Policies & Procedures

Matas School Policies & Procedures

For general policies and procedures please see the Matas Student Handbook and the Jefferson Parish Schools Policy Book. Both of these books will be sent home on the first day of school.

Arrival Procedures

School begins at 7:20 A.M. Students may not arrive on the school grounds prior to 6:50 A.M. This is done for your child’s safety and protection, as teachers are not on duty until 6:50 A.M. Upon arrival, students may either walk to the cafeteria for breakfast or go directly to the hall and sit outside of their classroom. Students are to read a book while sitting in the hall.

Dismissal Time

Dismissal for all students is 2:10 P.M. when the bell rings. All students will be escorted to the front of the building by their teacher.

Car Riders

Children who ride home with parents will be dismissed in the carpool line in front of school. Students in the car pick -up area must get into a vehicle. 

** Parents may not walk up and take children from the car pick-up line. If a parent wishes to take a child from the car line, they must go to the office and obtain a pass.  The pass must be given to the teacher on duty before a student will be released. This procedure ensures a safe exit plan for your child.

Children are required to:

  1. Walk directly to the car pick-up area upon dismissal
  2. Be seated in the designated area on a line.
  3. Obey all instructions given by the duty persons.
  4. Not take out any books or food items while in the pick-up line.
  5. Remain in the pick-up area until their car arrives.

** Parents, getting all children home safely and quickly is our goal. Please assist us by reinforcing the procedures with your child.

Bus Riders

Students riding a bus must sit in line across the front of the school. Bus Riders are required to:

  1. Sit in a single line in the designated bus area.
  2. Remain seated in line until told to get up by the duty person.
  3. Not take out any books or food items while sitting in line.
  4. Speak in a calm, respectful manner.
  5. Go directly to their seat on the bus.


Tardy Policy (Late Arrivals)

Students who report to school after 7:20 A.M. are required to be brought to the office by a parent. A verbal or written reason for the tardiness must be obtained from the parent before the students may go to class. The office will issue a tardy slip to the student. School begins at 7:20 A.M. and students are considered tardy at 7:21 A.M.

Elementary Tardy Policy

  1. Contact parent/legal guardian
  2. Assign punish work (optional)
  3. Detention
  4. Conference with parent/legal guardian
  5. Another type of disciplinary action, or repeating of detention
  6. Continued excessive tardiness may result in suspension, other disciplinary action, or referral to the Juvenile Court System.

Middle School Tardy Policy

  1. 1st and 2nd tardy in each semester–verbal warning
  2. 3rd tardy in each semester–non-suspension conference with parent/legal guardian and referral made to the counselor.
  3. 4th and 5th tardy in each semester–school detentions of one hour or other disciplinary action
  4. 6th or more in each semester–suspension

**Parents are urged to instill a sense of responsibility in their children regarding promptness.


For a student to be counted as present for any day, he/she must be present for the majority of the day. Regular attendance at school is most important if your child is to be a successful student. However, in the case of illness, the child should be kept at home. Students who are absent for any reason should bring a note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. A note from a doctor is required after a student is absent for 5 consecutive days.

In order for an absence to be considered excused the students must have a note from a doctor. Students are encouraged to make up all missed assignments.

Students will not get grades for work missed during an unexcused absence.

State law dictates that students absent for more than 12 unexcused days must repeat the grade.

**Parents are encouraged to schedule doctor visits after school whenever possible.

Reasons for Excused Absences

  • A physical or emotional illness as verified by a doctor’s note within five (5) days of the absence
  • An extended hospital stay as verified by a doctor’s note
  • An extended recuperation from an accident as verified by a doctor’s note
  • An extended contagious disease with a family as verified by a doctor’s note
  • A prior school system’s approval for educational purposes
  • A death in the immediate family (not to exceed five school days)
  • A religious observance of special and recognized holidays of the child’s faith
  • A natural catastrophe or disaster

For any other extenuating circumstance(s), parents/legal guardians must make a formal appeal to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance at the appropriate region office. An absence resulting from a suspension will be considered an unexcused absence.

Parents and guardians, your child raises his/her chances of passing to the next grade tremendously by attending school regularly. Please monitor your child’s attendance closely.